Best Practices
Raspberry AI
Best Practices


A prompt consists of words, phrases or sentences that describe the desired appearance of an image. Raspberry AI analyzes these words to guide the creation process and generate the image you envision. Prompts are the way you communicate your vision to Raspberry, so that an image can be generated. Even the simplest prompts will create an image, and it takes practice to get the images you want.

Be Precise!
When prompting for apparel or accessories, it is important to include:
  1. Color
  2. Material
  3. Product - what the garment or accessory is.
If your image has an AI model, you can be just as descriptive about them. Describe ethnicity, hairstyle and color, pose, age and more.
Be Descriptive!
The prompt boxes do not respond to command words such as “change”, “add”, “remove”, “create”. Prompts that include unnecessary words that address the AI platform (“make me this image” or “keep colors as-is”) can lead to unexpected elements being added to your images. 

The best prompts are descriptions of exactly what you want to see. 

When using a reference image, don’t simply write “change jacket to brown”, as the platform will not know which part of the image you are referring to. Describe the image (or use Describe Image as a shortcut) and change the part of the prompt that describes the jacket color.

“Change jacket to brown” versus “dark brown corduroy jacket”
Keep Going!
Prompting is an iterative process. Even skilled prompt engineers have to build upon their first prompts to get closer to their desired outcome. If you get close to your vision, but not quite what you wanted, you have a couple of options.
  1. Use the generated image that is closest to your desired outcome as a reference image. Describe the image and tweak the prompt to your liking.
  2. If only small changes are needed, and you want most of the image to stay as-is, bring it into the Edit module to make more precise changes.